The Friendly City
ADA Compliance Message
The City of Frostproof website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. While these modifications are being made many documents have been removed. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our City Clerk, Nicole McDowell at (863) 635-7854 or Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.

Latt Maxcy Memorial Library

Located in Frostproof, Florida, the Latt Maxcy Memorial Library has served our community since 1978.  The original community library was established in 1920 when a small collection of books, formerly housed in the Presbyterian Church, was given to the local school as a library for the high school to be and the public.  In 1921, a Library Association was formed by residents for the purpose of securing land, money and a building for a City Library.  The building was completed in April of 1922 on a lot that was donated for that purpose.  The library became a project of the Frostproof Woman’s Club in 1924 upon request of the Town’s Council. At this time, the organization accepted donations of books and magazines to the library’s small collection.

In 1976 the City made an agreement with the Maxcy Foundation to accept the new library to be built on North Magnolia Avenue in memory of Latimer Maxcy, a philanthropist who had done so much to improve the education and cultural awareness of the community.  This library was dedicated and opened to the public on April 16, 1978.

The library now houses over 28,000 books, audiobooks, movies, periodicals and e-books.  Programming is offered to all ages.  The Latt Maxcy Memorial Library has come a long way from its proud beginning.  It is owned and operated by the City of Frostproof, a member of the Polk County Library Cooperative and is partially funded by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners.

Hours of Operation

Please note the change in hours at the Latt Maxcy Memorial Library.  Effective immediately, the Library will close at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  The Library is not open on Saturdays or Sundays.

Polk County Library Cooperative

The Latt Maxcy Memorial Library is part of the Polk County Library Cooperative. For additional information, please visit their website at


15 North Magnolia Avenue

 Contact Information

Missy Hadden, Library Director

Frostproof On The Move logo

Missy Hadden, Library Director

Contact City Hall

Phone: 863-635-7855
Fax: 863-635-7856

111 West First Street
Frostproof, FL 33843

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